One of the most relevant facts of the Aragonese relief is the strong altitudinal contrast, since you can find elevations of more than 3,400 m a.s.l., such as that of Aneto, and others of less than 100 m such as those of Bajo Ebro.< /p>
The large units of the Aragonese relief, which are traditionally identified, are:
The Axil Pyrenees is the axis or core of the mountain range and has the highest altitudes of the mountain range with elevations that exceed 3,000, as is the case of Maladeta, Aneto and Perdiguero. It is made up of very old materials such as granites, quartzites, slates and Paleozoic limestones. Its width throughout the chain is limited. The high peaks of the Pyrenees have perpetual snow lodged in glacial cirques, which have left their evident traces on the landscape, through sharp ridges, hanging cirques and trough-shaped valleys.
The interior Sierras make up an elongated axis of calcareous ridges attached to the axial zone, but in a lower topographic step, which never exceeds 3,000 m. high.
They are endowed with an abrupt and steep physiognomy, made of Mesozoic materials.
The Middle Intrapyrenean Depression is a wide corridor perpendicular to the high Pyrenean valleys and therefore, parallel to the axis of the interior mountain ranges at whose foot it develops, excavated in rocks of low resistance such as gray-blue marls.
Its best represented section is the Berdún Canal.
It is the domain of structural reliefs modeled by differential erosion. Its southern limit corresponds to the reliefs of San Juan de la Peña and Peña Oroel, modeled on conglomerates that create escarpments of great beauty.
The Exterior Sierras constitute the southern limit of the pyromancy chain, having a lower altitude than the axial Pyrenees or the interior mountain ranges, since it reaches its highest point in the Sierra de Guara with barely 2,000 m of altitude.
It constitutes the foothills area between the Exterior Sierras and the Ebro Depression. Its altitude varies between 700,800 m on its northern limit to 300,400 m on its southern limit. Its most notable features are the presence of large erosion depressions excavated on the loamy clay materials. There are areas of very broken topography represented by a succession and superposition of very steep slopes, others formed by terraces and glacis and in others the phenomena of pits occur as a result of differential erosion.
It opens in a northwest-southeast direction, following the general guidelines of the mountain ranges that frame it. Erosion processes have generated a series of tabular reliefs called muelas and planas, whose summits culminate between 500 and 800 m.
From the molars you descend to the river courses through a slightly inclined surface, called glacis, ending in the river terraces. The terraces are formed by boulders from the erosion of the river, appearing staggered in a variable number of four or five, thus indicating the erosion cycles that have taken place since the formation of the Ebro hydrographic network.
It is a less powerful, vigorous and continuous mountain range than the Pyrenees. The altitude of its highest levels rarely exceeds 2,000 m, presenting peaks with hilly shapes, not very lively and wild.
The Zaragoza sector begins in the Sierra del Moncayo and following a NW-SE direction it bifurcates into two branches that delimit the Calatayud-Daroca Depression. The northernmost branch is made up of the Sierras de la Virgen, Algairén and Vicort and the southernmost ones are made up of the Sierras de Pardos and Santa Cruz. The most hilly and heavy reliefs correspond to the slates, while the most abrupt and rugged reliefs correspond to the quartzites.
The Teruel sector presents greater topographic homogeneity than the Zaragoza sector, although the large units continue in a NW-SE direction. The northernmost section is formed by the Sierras de Cucalón and San Just, and the southernmost by the Sierras de Menera and Albarracín. Both branches culminate discontinuously at the highest levels of the province, such as the Sierras de Gúdar in the northern branch and the Sierras de Javalambre in the southern branch.
Also Aragon enjoys a diverse and varied Nature where passing by plants, animals, Geology, or landscapes we can arrive at a fantastic bestiary that lives in its monuments.
The information will not be complete without a stroll by its three provinces, with shutdown in some of its spectacular landscapes like Ordesa, the Moncayo, Monegros or by opposition the Ebro.
Also you can dedicarte to the intangible ones: from the legend compilation that also does to universal Aragon.
Fauna |
Flora |
Geology |
Fungi |
Landscapes |
Monegros |
Moncayo |
Ebro |
Bestiary |
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Buffon |
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Culturales |
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Document |
Nature in Aragon
The pasapues project is an extension of the Aragón project is like that, and tries to collect and relate all possible types of documentary information about Aragon: texts, books, articles, maps, illustrations, photographs, narrations, etc., and proceed to its publication and diffusion.
The Aragonese Relief. Description of the Territory. Geology. geology, dinosaurs, fossils, footprints, iguanodon, tyrannosaurs rex, sauropods, Stegosaurus, carboniferous, Jurassic, cretaceous, paleontologist, paleontology, stones, stratum, era, geological.
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