Aragon > Naturräume in Aragon > Fauna
They are medium or large sized insects, elongated body and two pairs of very delicate membranous wings.
They have short antennae, highly developed compound eyes and chewing mouthpiece.
dragon-fly. Odonatos. Insects
They are very voracious carnivorous predators and hunt their victims on the fly.
They are excellent flyers able to stand still in the air and fly backwards.
Typical representatives of this order are dragonflies and Damselflies.
Dragonflies rest with wings extended.
Wingspan dragonfly: 11 cm.
Damselfly Wingspan: 5 cm.
The damselflies rest with wings folded back.
The metamorphosis of odonates is incomplete.
Through different molting phases, the larva becomes a nymph and it becomes an adult imago or insect.
The female lays eggs in water or in aquatic plants.
Larvae are aquatic and breathe through tracheobranchs.
They have a modified mouthpiece with a large lower lip in the form of a "mask" extensible towards their prey.
The nymph lives in its aquatic phase for a year or more. While growing, shed skin several times.
Before the last molt, it goes out of the water through the stem of a plant.
The skin cracks in the back and an adult comes out who, when the skin and wings harden, fly and complete the reproductive cycle with mating between males and females.
A small presentation of the diversity of the insects could be the following:
WITHOUT WINGS or Apteros | |
Proturos | They are the most primitive insects. Without wings or antennae. |
Colembolos | Sin alas. A ventral organ allows them to take great leaps. |
Tisanuros | Tres apendices terminales Lepisma or silverfish |
Dipluros | Two terminal appendices. |
Ephemeroptera | Rudimentary mouthpieces. Two pairs of wings. Aquatic larvae with gills. Ephemeral |
Plecoptera | Incomplete metamorphosis Aploembia |
Odonates | Chewing mouth. Two pairs of large membranous wings. Aquatic larvae. Libelulas |
Mantoids or mantids | Incomplete metamorphosis Mantis religiosa |
Blactereos | Mouthpiece masticator Cockroach |
Fasmideos | Mouthpiece masticator Insect stick |
Dermapteros | Mouth chewing. Tongue at the end of the abdomen. Earwigs. |
Orthotics | Mouth chewing. Two pairs of wings, of which the first protects the second. Cricket, Lobster |
Isopters | Mouth chewing. Social organization similar to that of ants. Termes or Termites |
Hemiptera | Superorder that includes heteropteros and homopteros. |
Heteropteros | Mouthpieces choppers-suctors. Two pairs of wings, the first one in its anterior part. Bedbug. |
Homopteros | Mouthpiece picador-suctor. Two pairs of equal wings, which sometimes are missing. Cicadas, aphids. |
Hymenoptera | Mouthpieces chewing or sucking. Four membranous wings. Bee, Wasp, Ant |
Malophagos | Chewing mouthpieces. Without wings. Places of birds and mammals. Lice of chickens. |
Anopluros | Mouth filler-suctora. Without wings. Mammals' parts. Head louse. |
Neuropteros | Chewing mouth. Four membranous wings with numerous nerviations. Lion ant. |
Coleoptera | Chewing mouth pieces. Two pairs of wings, the first very coro form a protective case. Beetles, Fireflies. |
Lepidoptera | Mouthpieces transformed into suctor apparatus that is spirally wound. Two pairs of membranous wings covered with scales. Butterflies and moths. |
Diptera | Biting and sucking mouthpieces. Just a pair of wings. Fly, Mosquito, Tipula, Tabano |
The SEA is realizing a complete Catalog of the Aragonese Entomofauna that has already been partially published, where 190 families have been inventoried with 3012 species.
A small list of species in Aragon would be the following:
Vertebrates | Invertebrates |
MammalsBirdsReptilesAmphibiansFishes |
MetazoansProtozoa |
images about the fauna in Aragon. photographs on invertebrates. beneficial animals for agriculture. |