Aragon > Naturräume in Aragon > Fauna
For birds, as for other animals, plants, etc., an international name system has been established, even if the local names of a species change from one country to another, the scientific name is permanent. and serves to share the information. In addition, the classification system helps identify birds by grouping them according to their common characteristics.
The closest species are grouped into genera, these in turn are grouped into families and these in turn into orders, in this table a rapid approximation has been made by bringing them together in groups that have some characteristic in common.
ORDER | FAMILY | Grupo |
Gaviformes | Gavidae | Colimbos The grebe, swimming and diving birds excellently adapted for aquatic life, with fluid lines, have long neck and pointed beak are gaviform. In flight his figure resembles a cigar; the fast flapping of the wings is a good indication for its identification. |
Colimbiformes | Colimbidae | Somormujos The somormujos and the zampullines are swimming and diving birds, smaller and chubby than the colimbos, with short beak and blunt and cottony tail. They swim with almost the entire body submerged. |
Pelecaniformes | Phalacrocoracidae | Cormorants The order is characterized, among other things, by having the four fingers of the legs together by an interdigital membrane. European cormorants are all predominantly black, marine or inland waters and are extraordinary swimmers, catching fish at depths of up to 30 meters. When they swim they immerse the body a lot, being able to regulate their density in such a way that they can swim even with their heads out of the water, as a periscope. |
Ciconiiformes | Ardeidae | Herons Long-legged wading birds, fine fingers and long necks, typical of marshes and estuaries. Pointy peak that serves to capture prey. Wide and strong wings; Fast flight, with slow and regular beating. |
Ciconiidae | Storks Birds also striding, with long neck and legs. |
Phoenicopteridae | Flamingos Family of difficult classification, the flamingos have been grouped sometimes with the geese and the gallinaceae, since they present characters of those groups, although they are, more related, apparently with the ciconiformes. | |
Anseriformes | Anatidae | Geese, swans and ducks All have webbed feet, with three toes facing forward; The normally spatulated beak is another distinctive feature. The swans are the largest, with a characteristic long neck and white adult plumage. |
Falconiformes | Accipitridae | Daytime Birds of Prey Also called raptors; They are characterized by the strong hooked beak to tear the meat, large eyes to locate prey and long legs with strong spurs and sharp nails with which they kill their captures. All raptors have a waxy mass at the base of the beak at which the nostrils open. |
Pandionidae | Family composed of a single species, practically cosmopolitan. | |
Falconidae | Birds of fast flight, with angled wings ending in sharp point and relatively long tails. They have a notch or "teeth" in the beak and their tarsals lack feathers, while they have long and loose thighs. | |
Galliformes | Tetraonidae | Terrestrial birds, in compact forms, with the feathered tarsals and excrescences that come off in spring. Thick, short and somewhat curved beak. |
Phasianidae | Hunting birds Heavy construction, with small head and crow's beak. Rounded and strong wings that allow it to take off almost vertically, with a characteristic crash. | |
Gruiformes | Gruidae | Large land birds with very long neck and legs. Their trachea, very long and twisted, allows them to launch their trumpet, audible at kilometers away. |
Rallidae | Rascones, water chickens and coots They are small to medium sized running birds. Superficially observed they resemble small hens. They have strong legs, strong body, arched shirts and short tail. Rallus aquaticus: rascon Porzana pusilla: chick girl Porzana porzana: pintoja chick Gallinula chloropus: water cock Fulica atra: common coot | |
Otididae | Bustards Running birds, large or very large, that inhabit plains without trees. They are suspicious and generally run away, crouching against the ground to go unnoticed, however they have a fast and sustained flight. | |
Charadriformes | Charadriidae |
Charadriformes species are grouped according to anatomical characteristics that are not very evident to the observer. |
Scolopacidae | Walkers, needles, shoes, choches, crouching | |
Recurvirostridae | To this family of waders of striking long legs and thin beak: avoceta stork | |
Burhinidae | Caravans The identification is made by the length and color of legs and spikes, details of the plumage: in particular the alar fringe and the motifs of the obispillo and the tail; and the way to feed. | |
Laridae | Coastal palm trees or inland waters. Two large groups: Seagulls and Terns. Seagulls Long legs with interdigital membrane and relatively long wings. Swallows | |
Columbiformes | Peteroclidae | Bargains Short-legged birds, with feathered tarshes and no wax on the beak. They inhabit arid open areas and their colors are cryptic with their surroundings. They nest on the ground and do not build a nest; Their chickens are much earlier than those of pigeons. |
Columbidae | Pigeons and doves Birds of relatively heavy body, small head and not very short neck. Long tail and pointed wings. | |
Cuculiformes | Cuculidae | Cucos and Crialos Medium sized birds, with long tails and two fingers directed forward and two backwards. Its main characteristic is not to take care of its offspring, parasitizing nests of other birds, who take care of their offspring. |
Stringiformes | Tytonidae | Barn owls Nocturnal, with a single species in Aragon, the barn owl, which differs from owls by its heart-shaped facial disc, its long legs, feathered to the beginning of the fingers and fingernail of the middle serrated finger. |
Stringidae | Owls Large round head, characteristic facial disc, hooked beak, round eyes and apparent absence of neck. | |
Caprimulgiformes | Caprimulgidae | Chotacabras Twilight birds, with long wings and extraordinarily short legs. Short beak, but excessive mouth opening, typical of an insect hunter on the fly (although it also captures them on the ground). Variegated and fluffy cryptic plumage, with soundproof flight. |
Apodiformes | Apodidae | Swifts Birds with stunted legs, useless for their movements, with the four fingers directed forward and provided with strong nails, suitable for hanging from rocks and walls. In Lower Aragon they receive the generic name of crossbowmen, also frequent as a surname. |
Coraciformes | Alcedinidae | Kingfisher
Compact birds, with short neck and tail. Long, thick and sharp beak. The three previous fingers are joined in more than 2/3 of its length. |
Meropidae | Common bee-eater Birds of beautiful color, very good flying, that catch insects on the fly. | |
Coraciidae | Carraca Medium-sized, brightly colored birds, with the inner and middle fingers welded. They are invertebrate predators or small vertebrates. | |
Upupidae | Hoopoe Land birds, with colorful and erect crest. Nest females and chickens secrete pestilent liquids to scare off predators. | |
Piciformes | Picidae | Pitos Small to large birds, very adapted - except exceptions - to tree life. Spikes in the shape of a chisel, to carve wood both for their nests and to find their food that typically consists of xylophagous insects. The legs, with two fingers directed forward and two backwards, together with their very hard and elastic central rectrices, allow them to climb the trunks. Clearly wavy flight with flutters and descents with folded wings. |
Passeriformes | . | Birds This order is the most numerous, with about 5,000 species with many different characters. |
A small list of species in Aragon would be the following:
Vertebrates | Invertebrates |
MammalsBirdsReptilesAmphibiansFishes |
MetazoansProtozoa |
images about the fauna in Aragon. photographs on invertebrates. beneficial animals for agriculture. |