Aragon > Naturräume in Aragon > Fauna
MAMMALS | Carnivores | Ursidos | Ursus arctos: Bear |
It is a well-known animal, but unfortunately, already almost extinct from the mountain forests where he lived.
The Bear moves on four legs, but is able to run despite its weight.
It is a peaceful animal that can become dangerous when it comes to defending its young or feeling cornered.
Bears routinely eat grass, wild fruits, roots, shoots, and shoots of young trees. They also taste the honey of the bees they find, and if they have occasion they fish.
Bears sometimes attack rams or goats.
A small list of species in Aragon would be the following:
Vertebrates | Invertebrates |
MammalsBirdsReptilesAmphibiansFishes |
MetazoansProtozoa |
images about the fauna in Aragon. photographs on invertebrates. beneficial animals for agriculture. |