Distribution of the vegetation in Aragon. Vegetables, plants. Vegetal kingdom. Flora. Flora. Natural Patrimony Aragonese. Aragon. Spain.

Distribution of the vegetation in Aragon. Vegetables, plants. Vegetal kingdom. Flora.

Aragon > Naturräume in Aragon > Flora

Aragon characterizes by the variety and diversity of its territory, that lead to a diversity of atmospheres and beautiful and surprising landscapes:

Lakes and glacial prairies of high mountain, valleys, wooded mountain ranges, capricious rocky, high tubes, lagoons and wide steppes.
In Aragon a rich collection of diverse ecosystems can be found that turn to this earth a region privileged as far as natural spaces.

It is easier to pay attention to the animal existence that in the plants, but and others are related; the disappearance or change of the plants that inhabit a certain territory, for example the putting in irrigation of a arida zone, implies a change of the animals that can live in her.

Also it is necessary to consider that the plants of our cultures and our gardens come from wild plants.

Also it is necessary to remember that a great part of medicines comes from the plants. To know and to keep the diversity from existing plants at the moment are to assure our future.

The vegetal kingdom is compound of a great variety of species that are pronounced in diverse forms, sizes and colors. In order to approximate us to its study we can consider the following classification schematic:

with flowers, reproduction by seeds

without flowers, reproduction by esporas
Criptogramas vasculares
Without conductive glasses
without nucleo
Bacteria or esquizofitas

Another approach that is made sometimes is by the size:

Other Information of interest

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Distribution of the vegetation in Aragon. Vegetables, plants. Vegetal kingdom. Flora. phytotherapy, water, humidity, wetlands, river, earth, food, gastronomy, reproduction, organism, living being, inheritance, physiology

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