Aragon > Naturräume in Aragon > Fauna
They are worms with the flattened body dorsoventrally and with an anus-free digestive tract. Nor do they have a circulatory system and most are hermaphrodites. Almost always parasites.
They don't have locomotive appendages and some have cilia.
They mostly lack digestive, circulatory, respiratory, or sensory organs. They usually have fixing suction cups.
The parasitic forms need two guests, one for the larval state and one for the adult state.
They are classified in:
They are small, some microscopic, with the body covered with vibrating cilia for locomotion.
They are aquatic and terrestrial.
They have digestive system without anus and ventral mouth with extensible pharynx.
Some species have simple eyes.
Some examples:
Bipalium, a giant freshwater turbelar (30 cm)
Platelmintos regeneration capacity
Each piece in which a planaria is divided will originate a complete individual and if the head is sectioned, each of the halves regenerates the remaining half.
They are flat worms, all parasites, up to a few centimeters in length.
Its body, sometimes cylindrical, is provided with suction cups or fixing hooks, which is attached to the parasitized host.
His metamorphosis is complicated and he needs to parasitize in two or three guests to complete his cycle.
The best known trematodes are the Schistosoma and the Fasciola hepatic or "liver ache", which cause sometimes very serious diseases.
Schistosoma mansoni or Bilharzia is the parasite that causes biltrarziasis or schistosomiasis, a disease that causes intestinal and cardiac disorders in man, anemia, liver lesions and can cause death.
It is widespread in tropical regions, where it is estimated that more than ten million people suffer from it.
In adult state it invades the circulatory, digestive, respiratory, etc.
The liver ache or Fasciola hepatic is a parasitic platelminto that causes a disease called hepatic dystomatosis, which causes a chronic and inflammatory process of the liver with digestive and nutritional disorders.
It wreaks havoc on sheep and other pets and even attacks man if he consumes vegetables contaminated with his eggs.
They are flatworms or flat worms, parasites, that live as adults inside their guests' bodies.
They have no digestive system and are fed by absorption through their skin.
They are formed by a head or scolex, with suction cups and sometimes armed with hooks with which they are fixed to the walls of the organism.
Its body is a succession of rings or proglottids that can measure between 5 and 10 meters in length.
Each of the rings has a complete hermaphrodite reproductive system, which, once mature, comes loose with eggs.
There are numerous species of cestodes, but the best known are Tenia solium or solitary, Tenia saginata and Tenia equinococus.
The pig ingested, among the food, had tapeworm eggs expelled in the feces of infected people.
Inside, eggs originate larvae that cross the walls of the intestine and become cystic in the form of cysticercos in their flesh, which when ingested by man without being sufficiently cooked can be parasitized.
More dangerous than the previous ones is the Tenia equinococus transmitted by the dog.
Eggs expelled in the dog's feces can be involuntarily ingested by man and can cause the terrible hydatid cyst.
It grows in the liver, brain, lungs, etc., in an excessive way, full of vesicles, which can cause death if it breaks.
It is an endemic disease of the Ebro Valley.
A small list of species in Aragon would be the following:
Vertebrates | Invertebrates |
MammalsBirdsReptilesAmphibiansFishes |
MetazoansProtozoa |
images about the fauna in Aragon. photographs on invertebrates. beneficial animals for agriculture. |