Arachnids Arthropods Invertebrates Animal kingdom, Wildlife. Fauna. Zoology. Fauna. Natural Patrimony Aragonese. Aragon. Spain.

Arachnids Arthropods Invertebrates Animal kingdom, Wildlife. Fauna. Zoology.

Aragon > Naturräume in Aragon > Fauna

General characters

Class of chelicerated arthropods with a great variety of shapes but with many common characteristics.

Inside the arthropods represents the group with four pairs of articulated legs.

They have segmented bodies, but the segments are not as visible; The most obvious is the division of the body into "head" (actually, head and thorax joined together) and abdomen.
They have six pairs of articulated appendages.
Quelíceros: lº pair of appendages with nail, sometimes poisonous, to capture and take the food to the mouth.
Pedipalpos: 2nd pair of appendages more developed than the first.
4 pairs of articulated legs intended for locomotion.

The mouth without chewing apparatus works as a suction organ. Simple eyes other than other arthropods.

Abdomen or opistosoma
Ganglionic nervous system
Breathing through tubular tracheas or lung sacs
Sometimes, with silk-producing serine glands

Separated sexes and development generally without metamorphosis

The orders of arachnids are the following:

  1. Scorpions
  2. Pseudoscorpions
  3. Solifugees
  4. Palpígrados
  5. Uropigios
  6. Amblipigios
  7. Arachnids or spiders
  8. Opiliones
  9. Mites


Scorpions are arachnids spread throughout warm and temperate regions.
They live under stones, logs, firewood, and feed on insects and small animals.
Its sting is usually not dangerous, but large tropical scorpions, with their potent poison, can even cause death.


Scorpions breathe through lungs and are viviparous.
They have small chelaceros and large pedipalps.
They have a poisonous nail.


Small arachnids of about 8 mm, similar to scorpions.
Silk glands in the pedipalps.


With highly developed poisonous chelyces. About 8 cm in length and very voracious.


Between 3 mm and 7 cm, with large pedipalps with tweezers. Predators that attack even slugs.
They can release an irritating liquid.


About 5 mm long, with a scourge in the abdomen.
They are not poisonous and they are also blind. They live under the stones.


Largely developed legs with powerful clamps on the pedipalps.
First pair of legs as long filaments. About 5 cm.


It is the most important group of arachnids, which includes all spiders, with about 30,000 species.
The abdomen is attached to the cephalothorax by a peduncle, and the chelycers have poisonous glands.
They have 3 pairs of rows that secrete silk, with which they build the fabrics.
The spider uses the thread to move and also leaves another silk thread.


They are small arachnids with elongated pedipalps and very long legs.
The cephalothorax and abdomen have a shield or shell.
They do not make fabrics and are harmless.


They are small arachnids; some microscopic, with very different shapes.
Some are predators and other parasites of animals and plants.
Ticks attack the animals and the scabies plow digs galleries into human skin.

Other information about fauna in Aragón:

A small list of species in Aragon would be the following:

Vertebrates Invertebrates








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