Aragon > Naturräume in Aragon > Fauna
Mammals | Artiodactyl Ungulates | Deers | Cervus elaphus: Deer |
The deer is an animal that lives in packs, that is in a group. Only males, when they are old, live alone.
The deer is a stylized, long-legged animal that carries an antler on its head that gives it a proud appearance.
In spring the deer have their fawns. Newborn fawns take a few days to walk and it is at this time that they are most vulnerable to predators.
When the fawns are born they are covered with white spots that will disappear with age.
Deer are herbivorous, that is, they only eat herbs, leaves, plant shoots and other vegetables.
A small list of species in Aragon would be the following:
Vertebrates | Invertebrates |
MammalsBirdsReptilesAmphibiansFishes |
MetazoansProtozoa |
images about the fauna in Aragon. photographs on invertebrates. beneficial animals for agriculture. |