Sponges Porifers Invertebrates Animal Kingdom. Wildlife. Fauna. Zoology. Fauna. Natural Patrimony Aragonese. Aragon. Spain.

Sponges Porifers Invertebrates Animal Kingdom. Wildlife. Fauna. Zoology.

Aragon > Naturräume in Aragon > Fauna

Type of animals that comprise very simple organisms since they lack true organs being considered, therefore, the most primitive multicellular animals.

They are not organized in true tissues and cells are capable of existing independently, and have very remarkable regeneration properties.

The body of the sponges is shaped like a sac with a peduncle to attach to rocks and plants. They consist of an outer and inner layer of cells, among which there is a mass of wandering cells and other spicule producers.

The entire body of the sponge is perforated by an infinity of holes through which the water with food particles penetrates the atrial cavity, which is covered with flagellated cells called co-oocytes, which absorb the food.

Cut of a corneal sponge in which the spicule network is observed.

Sponges are characterized by having a skeleton formed by calcareous spicules, or, more commonly siliceous.
Sometimes they have corneal fibers.
The spicules are very varied and constitute the body of the sponge that is normally used for bathing.


Sponges can produce eggs and sperm at the same time and fertilize themselves. Once fertilization is done, the egg begins to develop inside or mesenchyme. Then, the larva detaches and forms a new sponge. They can also reproduce asexually by budding or bud growth.

Types of sponges

Depending on the situation of the ciliated coocytes, they are classified as: ascon type, sicon type and leucon type.

According to its structure

Porifers are divided into three classes:

Some species of sponges

Other information about fauna in Aragón:

A small list of species in Aragon would be the following:

Vertebrates Invertebrates








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