Aragon > Naturräume in Aragon > Fauna
It lives in a wide variety of environments, being distributed throughout most of the Iberian Peninsula, except for the Southeast and Spanish Levante. In Aragon we can locate it in the Pre-Pyrenean mountains (Guara, Santo Domingo, San Juan de la Peña), some Pyrenean valleys (Oza, Ansó, Canfranc), some points of the Five Villas (Ejea, Tauste, Uncastillo), Hoya de Huesca, Moncayo and Valle del Ebro (Zaragoza, Cartuja Baja, Pastriz, Fuentes de Ebro, Sástago, ...), being practically absent from regions such as Monegros or the entire province from Teruel.
Currently, where the regression of the species is most pronounced is in the towns of the Ebro Valley, especially those where their usual breeding sites are communicated -through irrigation or ditches- with the Ebro river or the Imperial Canal. Since it is a newt linked to the aquatic environment, its expansion has been parallel to that of river courses, both natural and artificial (ponds, wells, siphons, ditches), this being the same path followed by the Procambarus clarkii in its distribution.
Copyright 1997-2000 © All Rights Reserved ANSAR, Aragon (Spain)
As an example, suffice it to say that in the Natural Reserve of the Galachos de la Alfranca de Pastriz, La Cartuja and the Burgo de Ebro, until 10 years ago, their troops were abundant and well known by the irrigators of adjacent fields. At present, they are considered virtually extinct.
Copyright 1997-2000 © All Rights Reserved ANSAR, Aragon (Spain)
El Triton Project launched by ANSAR is conducting assisted breeding for the recovery of this species.
A small list of species in Aragon would be the following:
Vertebrates | Invertebrates |
MammalsBirdsReptilesAmphibiansFishes |
MetazoansProtozoa |
images about the fauna in Aragon. photographs on invertebrates. beneficial animals for agriculture. |