Homoptera or cicadas. Insects Arthropods. Invertebrates. animal Kingdom. Wildlife. Fauna. Zoology. Fauna. Natural Patrimony Aragonese. Aragon. Spain.

Homoptera or cicadas. Insects Arthropods. Invertebrates. animal Kingdom. Wildlife. Fauna. Zoology.

Aragon > Naturräume in Aragon > Fauna

They are hemiptera insects (such as bed bugs or heteroptera) that have biting-sucking mouthparts with two pairs of transparent membranous wings inclined on the abdomen in the form of a roof.

Also among these insects there are some without wings.

All are phytophagous, that is, they feed on juices and vegetable substances.

Among the most important families are the cicadas, which have an organ that produces a characteristic sound.

In the larval stage, they live underground for four years, feeding on roots, and once they have reached the adult stage, they are arboreal. Eggs are injected into plant tissues.

Typical species:

Among the homopterans there are very strange forms, almost all tropical, and species very harmful to plants and agriculture.

Among them are aphids or plant lice, vine phylloxera and mealybug.

Aphids and aphids.

This order of insects includes more than 100,000 species of small and medium dimensions, with membranous wings and often without them or very small.

They have a chewing-licking mouthpart and short antennae. They have compound and simple eyes.

The respiratory system is tracheal and branches and expands into air sacs in flying species.

The brain ganglia are highly developed. Most eat vegetables (pollen and juices), but there are also carnivorous and parasitic species.

His metamorphosis is complete. There are some species whose females possess poisonous stingers.

The social instinct is highly developed and they form numerous and very complex colonies.

A small presentation of the diversity of the insects could be the following:

Proturos They are the most primitive insects.
Without wings or antennae.
Colembolos Sin alas.
A ventral organ allows them to take great leaps.
Tisanuros Tres apendices terminales
Lepisma or silverfish
Dipluros Two terminal appendices.
Ephemeroptera Rudimentary mouthpieces.
Two pairs of wings.
Aquatic larvae with gills.
Plecoptera Incomplete metamorphosis
Odonates Chewing mouth.
Two pairs of large membranous wings.
Aquatic larvae.
Mantoids or mantids Incomplete metamorphosis
Mantis religiosa
Blactereos Mouthpiece masticator
Fasmideos Mouthpiece masticator
Insect stick
Dermapteros Mouth chewing.
Tongue at the end of the abdomen.
Orthotics Mouth chewing.
Two pairs of wings, of which the first protects the second.
Cricket, Lobster
Isopters Mouth chewing.
Social organization similar to that of ants.
Termes or Termites
Hemiptera Superorder that includes heteropteros and homopteros.
Heteropteros Mouthpieces choppers-suctors.
Two pairs of wings, the first one in its anterior part.
Homopteros Mouthpiece picador-suctor.
Two pairs of equal wings, which sometimes are missing.
Cicadas, aphids.
Hymenoptera Mouthpieces chewing or sucking.
Four membranous wings.
Bee, Wasp, Ant
MalophagosChewing mouthpieces.
Without wings.
Places of birds and mammals.
Lice of chickens.
AnoplurosMouth filler-suctora.
Without wings.
Mammals' parts.
Head louse.
NeuropterosChewing mouth.
Four membranous wings with numerous nerviations.
Lion ant.
ColeopteraChewing mouth pieces.
Two pairs of wings, the first very coro form a protective case.
Beetles, Fireflies.
Lepidoptera Mouthpieces transformed into suctor apparatus that is spirally wound.
Two pairs of membranous wings covered with scales.
Butterflies and moths.
Diptera Biting and sucking mouthpieces.
Just a pair of wings.
Fly, Mosquito, Tipula, Tabano

The SEA is realizing a complete Catalog of the Aragonese Entomofauna that has already been partially published, where 190 families have been inventoried with 3012 species.

Other information about fauna in Aragón:

A small list of species in Aragon would be the following:

Vertebrates Invertebrates








   images about the fauna in Aragon.
   photographs on invertebrates.
   beneficial animals for agriculture.