The presence at the base of the foot of the continuous volva, enveloping the slightly enlarged bulb, and the ring, characteristics that must be observed with great attention when collecting the entire mushroom, allow us to differentiate this very dangerous Amanita from so many other species of mushrooms that could have the same white color in each of their parts. There are many edible species that can be similar.
Another characteristic of great importance for its identification is the color of the lamellae, always white; white mushrooms with colored lamellae, would not belong to the genus Amanita.
The cap, initially round, becomes convex and then flattened, has the same shiny appearance as that of the Amanita phalloides; It differs only by color. The lamellas are somewhat wider and quite tight, pure white in color that round off at the foot.
The slender and regular foot is straight, almost smooth, or decorated with white marble.
It has a ring that falls, widens at the base and is surrounded by the volva that, with broken edges, surpasses the bulb. The flesh is white and has the same organoleptic characteristics of smell and flavor as the Amanita phalloides.
The fresh mushroom has no smell but when it begins to decompose it becomes repellent. This Amanita may present a pinkish shading in the center of the hat.
Its very name is significant to indicate the growing season. Indeed, it does so in spring, also in summer and autumn. Certain forms of Amanita Phalloides, which may appear completely white, differ from this species because their growing season is later. It prefers planifolia forests made up of holm oaks, chestnut trees, etc. as its habitat; It can also be found, although not very common, in coniferous forests. Cited in the Pyrenees and Guadalajara.
The poisoning caused by Amanita verna is analogous to that of Amanita phalloides and Amanita virosa; It is a poisoning that can cause death. It acts on certain noble tissues of the human body and the effect of intoxication is late as in all extremely serious poisonings: eight to twenty-four hours.
It is a mushroom smaller in size than the average Amanita phalloides but more slender. The diameter of the hat remains within smaller measurements: between 4 and 6 cm. The foot measures between 10 and 14 cm. high.
Melanoleuca strictipes or Tricholoma cnista, the mounted white Agaricus, illustrated in this photo. However, this mushroom lacks a volva and a ring and the cap almost always has a prominence in the center. It is edible.
Attention: it is provided with volva and ring.
Some of the mushrooms that can be found in Aragon are the following:
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Amanita verna. Amanita de primavera, Oronja blanca and Cicuta blanca. Fungi. Mushrooms in Aragon. Water, flora, plants, humidity, Moncayo, Iberian system, Pyrenees, Maestrazgo, gastronomy, botany, environmental, mountain, nature, town, natural environment, environment, ecology, gastronomy, food, truffles, biology, organic matter, reproduction, physiology, nutrition, tissues, taxonomy.
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