Oronja verde. Amanita phalloides. Fungi. Mushrooms in Aragon. Fungi. Nature of Aragon Spain.

Oronja verde. Amanita phalloides. Fungi. Mushrooms in Aragon.

Nature of Aragon > Fungi

Common names

Castellano: Oronja verde, Cicuta verde y Seta mortal.

Catalán: Farinera borda.

Vasco: Ilkcor.

Oronja verde. Amanita phalloides.


The main characteristic that allows its easy recognition to be able to classify it in the genus Amanita, is the presence of residues of the general veil, called volva, which appear as a continuous, torn envelope, covering the foot at its bulbous end, of the which protrudes with irregular edges.
Other features that it may have in common with various genders are: the presence of a ring on the foot and the hymenium made up of white lamellae.
The hat, which is initially closed and then opens, is flared towards the edges and flat in the center, very regular and has a smooth, slightly shiny surface of variable color that is between yellowish white and a dark, green color. -olive.
A very fine network of radial fibrils in the cuticle gives its surface a particular appearance.
The lamellae are white, rather wide, not widely spaced, rounded towards the foot, between one and the other a lamelula can be inserted.
The foot is regular with a circular section, widened at the base where it elongates into an oval bulb, wrapped in a continuous sheath that constitutes the volva. It is white but can be decorated with a somewhat striking dark green variegated.
The hanging ring is slightly ridged.
The cut meat is white with no particular odors that appear when the mushroom begins to deteriorate.


Attention: it is provided with a volva and ring.


It is a mushroom that prefers the planifolia forest made up of oaks, chestnuts and other trees as its habitat. In certain areas, the plant most often chosen is the hazel. Therefore, it can be stated that this very poisonous species is found in any habitat, and the searcher must always be prepared for the possibility of its dangerous presence. It grows throughout the mycological season, from September to February. Common throughout Spain.


It causes poisoning with cytotoxic characteristics that in most cases is fatal. On some occasions, modern therapies have given positive results, but there is still no certain possibility of favorably resolving Amanita phalloides poisoning. The period during which the poisoning remains latent is rather long, as in all serious poisonings: from eight to twenty-four hours.


It is a fairly large mushroom that can have a cap 5-14 cm in diameter and a foot 8-15 cm high.


It is evident how the color of the hat can acquire very dark, olive tones. It is also seen in the young mushroom that the ring, before falling back onto the foot, is attached to the edge of the cap, hiding the lamellae.

Other publications on mushrooms and fungi

Other Aragonese Mushrooms

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Oronja verde. Amanita phalloides. Fungi. Mushrooms in Aragon. Water, flora, plants, humidity, Moncayo, Iberian system, Pyrenees, Maestrazgo, gastronomy, botany, environmental, mountain, nature, town, natural environment, environment, ecology, gastronomy, food, truffles, biology, organic matter, reproduction, physiology, nutrition, tissues, taxonomy.

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