Through a classification process, things are ordered, animals in this case, based on traits or characteristics they have in common. As regards the classification of animals, they do not constitute a single group.
In order to classify living beings conveniently, all zoos in the world have agreed to follow guidelines to define living beings. These rules are as follows:
Starting with the larger group, the animal kingdom, these are divided into smaller and smaller categories.
Each animal belongs to a type or phylum, a subtype, a class, a order, to a family and a species.
Classification example for men:
KINGDOM Animals | |||
FILO or TYPE Ropes: animals with spine. | |||
CLASS Mammals: the young are fed through the breasts. | |||
ORDER Primates: | |||
FAMILY Hominids: includes current and other missing men | |||
GENDER Homo: man | |||
SPECIE Sapiens: in Latin means you think. |
A species is a set of very similar living beings, capable of reproducing each other. Every species has a Latin name, composed of a generic and a specific name. Thus, the Latin name of man is Homo sapiens. The species tells us exactly what animal we are talking about.
MAMMALS | Rodents | Spit | Sciurus vulgaris:Chipmunk Marmota marmota: Groundhog |
Murid | Rattus norvegicus: Common rat | ||
Cricketids | Arvicola amphibius: Rata de agua | ||
Carnivores | Felidos | Felis sylvestris: Wildcat | |
Canids | Vulpes vulpes: Fox | ||
Mustelids | Martes martes: Martha Martes foina: Garduña Meles meles: Badger Mustela erminea: Ermine Mustela nivales: Weasel Putoris putoris: Polecat Lutra lutra: Otter | ||
Úrsidos | Ursus arctos: Bear | ||
Insectivorous | Talpids | Galemys pirenaycus: Desman of the Pyrenees | |
Deaf | Sorex minutus: Dwarf shrew | ||
Ungulates Artiodactyls |
Suidos | Sus scrofa: Wild pig | |
Deer | Cervus elaphus: Common deer Dama dama: Fallow deer Capreolus capreolus: Roe dee | ||
Bóvidos | Rupricapra rupricapra: Suede or Rebeco Capra pyrenaica: Mountain goat | ||
Birds | Tetraónidos | Gallinaceae | Tetrao urogallus: Capercaillie |
Accipitiformes | Accipitridae |
Aegypius monachus: Black Vulture Gypaetus barbatus: Osprey Gyps fulvus: Vulture | |
Strigiformes | Titons | Tyto alba: Barn owl Aegolius funerus: Tengmalm owl | |
. | . | Chersophilus dupontii: Dupont Lark | |
Ciconiiformes | Ciconiidae | Ciconia ciconia: Common stork | |
Amphibians | Urodelos | Salamandridos | Euproctus asper: Pyrenean Triton | Anuros | Ránidos | Rana ridibunda: Common green frog |
REPTILES | Quelonios | Testudínidos | Testudo graeca: Blackberry turtle |
FISHES | Osteicios | Salmoniformes | Esox lucius: Pike |
CRUSTACEANS | Decapods | Astacids | A. pallipes: River crab |
INSECTS | Lepidoptera | Pierids | Pieris brassicae: Cabbage butterfly |
ARACNIDOS | Mites | Isodidos | Kapar akain: Tick |
CHILOPODOS | Myriapods | Scoped | Scolopendra cingulata: Scolopendra |
GASTEROPODS | . | Arionides | Arion ater: Common slug. |
. | Helicids | Helix aspersa: Common snail. | |
OLIGOQUETOS | Opostoporos | Lumbrícidos | Lumbricus terrestris: earthworm |
A small list of species in Aragon would be the following:
Vertebrates | Invertebrates |
MammalsBirdsReptilesAmphibiansFishes |
MetazoansProtozoa |
images about the fauna in Aragon. photographs on invertebrates. beneficial animals for agriculture. |
Also Aragon enjoys a diverse and varied Nature where passing by plants, animals, Geology, or landscapes we can arrive at a fantastic bestiary that lives in its monuments.
The information will not be complete without a stroll by its three provinces, with shutdown in some of its spectacular landscapes like Ordesa, the Moncayo, Monegros or by opposition the Ebro.
Also you can dedicarte to the intangible ones: from the legend compilation that also does to universal Aragon.
Fauna |
Flora |
Geology |
Fungi |
Landscapes |
Monegros |
Moncayo |
Ebro |
Bestiary |
Books |
Buffon |
Activities |
Culturales |
Zh2o |
Document |
Nature in Aragon
The pasapues project is an extension of the Aragón project is like that, and tries to collect and relate all possible types of documentary information about Aragon: texts, books, articles, maps, illustrations, photographs, narrations, etc., and proceed to its publication and diffusion.
Animal classification. Animal Kingdom. Wildlife. Fauna, Zoology reproduction, physiology, metazoa, vertebrates, birds, mammals, ecology, zoogeography
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