Amphibians Vertebrates Animal kingdom, Wildlife. anuros, urodelos, Fauna, zoology. Fauna. Nature of Aragon Spain.

Amphibians Vertebrates Animal kingdom, Wildlife. anuros, urodelos, Fauna, zoology.

Nature of Aragon > Fauna

Amphibians are a Class of the vertebrates with 4 legs generally, which have metamorphosis with a larval stage of life aquatic and another adult in which most of their activities are carried out on land.

They are the oldest of terrestrial vertebrates and occupy an intermediate position between the Fish and the Reptiles.


They are characterized because the body, whose shape varies from one to the other, is protected by the skin, which is bare, that is, without scales and very rich in glands, which secrete a mucous substance that keeps it moist and makes it slippery. This secretion, in some species, is somewhat poisonous or caustic, and may cause an accident, although of little importance.

triton anfibio

Its larvae, aquatic, have gills while adults have lungs, although in both cases they breathe mainly through the skin: they absorb oxygen from the air through the abundant blood vessels under their skin; For this they need to keep their skin moist.

There are about 2,500 living species worldwide, and they are the oldest terrestrial vertebrates that exist.
They have bare, moist and slippery skin, with numerous mucous and sometimes poisonous glands.
The circulation is double and incomplete.
Its temperature is variable ("cold blood").
They reproduce sexually with external fertilization, usually in the water.
The eggs deposit them in the water, but in some cases they develop in the body of one of the parents.
Breathing is gill in the larval and pulmonary and cutaneous period in the adult period.
They are almost always insectivores.

They are also called Batracios.

There are 13 species of amphibians in Aragon, very easy to distinguish from each other.
All amphibians in Aragon and throughout Spain are absolutely harmless.

The current Hunting Law prohibits the hunting and trafficking of amphibians (except, incomprehensibly, the green frog and the common toad). But this law, until today, only exists on paper and they keep hunting red frog sacks to eat their legs ... and rare species to sell to European collectors.

They have adapted perfectly to the different conditions of life, and thus the hibernation of the Pyrenean newts in the coldest ibons lasts 8-9 months (in which their metabolism is reduced to incredible limits), while lowland amphibians hibernate 2- 3 months, waking up within that time when there are peaceful days.

Classification of Amphibians.

A small classification of Aragonese species could be the following:

Order: URODELOS (adults with queues)

Order ANUROS (adults without a tail)

A description of the most common species in Aragon is as follows:

Frog separation

See also The Kururu (toad) in the Guarani and Paraguayan culture

APODOS (no snake-like limbs)

Apods or cichlids have the body similar to worms, without limbs, which have been stunted. They are excavators. There are about 50 species that inhabit tropical regions.

Metamorphosis of amphibians (frog)

  1. The mating is done in the water where the female deposits the eggs, which have a jelly-like shell and the male fertilizes them with his sperm.
  2. The larva or tadpole emerges from the egg, equipped with gills for breathing and tail like fish.
  3. The tail is reduced and the hind legs appear
  4. and then the front ones.
  5. When the lungs develop, the frog can already leave the water and leave to the mainland.
  6. In an adult state they tend to stay out of the water for a long time.

Other information about fauna in Aragón:

A small list of species in Aragon would be the following:

Vertebrates Invertebrates








   images about the fauna in Aragon.
   photographs on invertebrates.
   beneficial animals for agriculture.

Also Aragon enjoys a diverse and varied Nature where passing by plants, animals, Geology, or landscapes we can arrive at a fantastic bestiary that lives in its monuments.

The information will not be complete without a stroll by its three provinces, with shutdown in some of its spectacular landscapes like Ordesa, the Moncayo, Monegros or by opposition the Ebro.

Also you can dedicarte to the intangible ones: from the legend compilation that also does to universal Aragon.

Fauna | Flora | Geology | Fungi | Water
Landscapes | Monegros | Moncayo | Ebro | Ordesa
Bestiary | Books | Buffon | Activities | Culturales | Zh2o | Photografies
Document | Nature in Aragon

The pasapues project is an extension of the Aragón project is like that, and tries to collect and relate all possible types of documentary information about Aragon: texts, books, articles, maps, illustrations, photographs, narrations, etc., and proceed to its publication and diffusion.

Amphibians Vertebrates Animal kingdom, Wildlife. anuros, urodelos, Fauna, zoology. living being, inheritance, reproduction, physiology, metazoans, vertebrates, amphibians, ecology, zoogeography, Water, humidity, wetlands, river, Ebro, mountain, earth.

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