Galacho de Juslibol. Natural Protected Spaces in Aragon. Mountains, rivers. landscapes. Aragon.
Nature of Aragon in English
The galachos of the Ebro are meanders left after a change of channel or a swelling.
They present/display clear waters and an interesting fauna and aquatic flora and forests of shore.
Galacho de Juslibol
Between its more outstanding characteristics they are:
- Galacho: Aragonese word that it designates to a meander left by the river, the one of Juslibol formed after the great flood of the Ebro in 1961.
The free water surface diminishes year after year by the colmatación of this old channel that is colonized by the vegetation:
first reeds and aneas that, gradually, will be replaced by the forest of shore.
He is galacho more recent formed by the Ebro and, probably, the last one, when being the river regulated by prey and channeled by defensive installations.
- The lakes: The gravel extractions for the construction in years 70 left to a set of lakes located between the old channel of the river and the present one. With time and the growth of the vegetation has passed to be spaces degraded to have great aesthetic quality.
- The Grove or Forest of Shore: Trees and other plants colonize the shores according to their resistance to the swellings and its water necessities: willows, poplars, chopos, ashs and elm trees coexist with shrubs and lianas in an authentic entangled forest, exceptional refuge for the fauna.
- The Ebro river: The near Ebro, modelador with its dynamics of this landscape, shows its wide channel to us, the force of its waters, their beaches and islands and their leafy shores. The periodic swellings flood all the space and next to subterraneas waters (phreatic level), they feed galacho and lakes.
- The Orchards: The wealth of these earth and the water of the Gállego river lead by the network of drains, that we guessed by its cane curtains, have been taken advantage of traditionally to cultivate alfalfa, vegetables, vegetables, fruits and cereal. It emphasizes the drain of the Rabal, that accompanies in the way the Galacho to us.
- The plaster escarpment: Fragile, carved by the erosive action of the river, the wind, rain and the man (quarries and furnaces of traditional plaster operation, today left), it cuts the landscape in two units very resisted. With more than 40 meters of height, from him galacho and orchards are controlled.
- The steppe: The superior zone of the escarpment is a singular sample of the dryness of the Average Depression of the Ebro: a dry, opened, immense, full atmosphere of light, with a cromatismo, vegetal adaptations and a fauna very different from those of the humid zone.
- A place secularly inhabited: The traditional habitat in caves - excavated in plasters -, the medieval castle of Miranda or the rest of the ibero town speak to us of other cultural references that conform the secular human presence around three rural districts that maintain their traditional character near the urban thing.
It is zone of passage for migration birds and rapaces.
Natural reserve of the Galachos of the Alfranca de Pastriz, the Cartuja and the Town of Ebro
Also Aragon enjoys a diverse and varied Nature where passing by plants,
animals, Geology, or landscapes we can arrive at a fantastic bestiary that lives in its monuments.
The information will not be complete without a stroll by its three provinces, with shutdown in some of its spectacular landscapes like
Ordesa, the Moncayo, Monegros
or by opposition the Ebro.
Also you can dedicarte to the intangible ones: from the legend compilation
that also does to universal Aragon.
Fauna |
Flora |
Geology |
Fungi |
Landscapes |
Monegros |
Moncayo |
Ebro |
Bestiary |
Books |
Buffon |
Activities |
Culturales |
Zh2o |
Document |
Nature in Aragon
The pasapues project is an extension of the Aragón project is like that, and tries to collect and relate all possible types of documentary information about Aragon: texts, books, articles, maps, illustrations, photographs, narrations, etc., and proceed to its publication and diffusion.
Galacho de Juslibol. Natural Protected Spaces in Aragon. Mountains, rivers. landscapes. Pyrenees, Beech, Bears, Capercaillie, Trouts, newts, Vertebrates, Animal kingdom, plants, fungi, protected areas, Fauna, zoology, ecology, Water, humidity, stone, earth, air, food
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